
Swiss chard is one of those veggies that gets overlooked. It’s a beautiful green, but I think it has a bad wrap for being a “health food nut” veggie. Well let me tell you, it’s GOOD!  I prefer it to spinach, it has a milder taste and it’s awesome as a salad green.

Here are a few ideas:

Swiss Chard Salad:


The amount of each ingredient is to taste and based on how many greens you have.

  • Swiss Chard (stems removed, green leafy part only)
  • Goat cheese or Blue Cheese crumbles
  • Pine nuts
  • Cucumber
  • Dried cranberries
  • Dressing:
  • Fresh lemon
  • Olive oil
  • Salt & Freshly Ground Pepper (to taste)
  1. Pick the best looking chard leaves from your plant (try not to remove more than 25 – 35% of the plant to prevent shock). Wash and dry in a salad dryer.
  2. Remove the stem and use the leafy green only (Compost the stems or use to make a veggie stock)
  3. Tear leaves into small pieces
  4. Add all ingredients
  5. Pour olive oil
  6. Squeeze in half of a lemon (through a strainer to catch seeds)
  7. Salt & Pepper
  8. Toss  & Serve



Lightly saute (approx 2-3 min) in olive oil with 1 fresh garlic clove, salt & pepper. Squeeze a little bit of lemon.

Add olive oil, garlic, salt & pepper to taste.

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